brand identity and content creation

This project represents the final stage of my Master’s degree and thus encompasses all the main topics covered during the year. I decided to realise this project for Performance&Nutrition, a new fitness studio located in Milan (Italy) with the purpose of designing and developing a solid brand identity together with content production guidelines.

I undertook this choice because it is imperative, especially for a newly established business, to have a clear and consistent brand identity on which to base an effective digital marketing strategy.

In detail, the project is characterised by a PDF containing the written and descriptive component, accompanied by several practical materials representing the implementation of what I described in the PDF.

The PDF features six main sections, which in order are:

  • Introduction, in which I explain the rationale behind the development of the project and provide an overview of the selected company.
  • Aim and objectives, in which I state the main aim of the entire project, namely the willingness to establish a strong brand identity that enables the company to be recognisable, support its online presence and build awareness among customers, accompanied by the five specific objectives to be accomplished in order to achieve it.
  • Literature review, in which I conduct an in-depth analysis of the current literature review with respect to the core topics of the project, including:
  1. Brand history;
  2. Inbound marketing;
  3. Social media and email marketing;
  4. Relevance of the website for a company.
  • Methodology, in which I outline the approach and instruments employed to collect primary and secondary data, such as:
  1. Customer survey;
  2. SWOT and TOWS analysis;
  3. Target audience definition;
  4. Competitors analysis;
  5. A/B testing;
  6. Keywords research.
  • Practical outputs, in which I illustrate and describe the process of selection, construction and realisation of the various materials I made for the company in question, in detail (click on each component to see its details):
  1. Brand guidelines document;
  2. Website map and wireframe;
  3. Newsletter example;
  4. Editorial calendar, with posts for social media, articles for the blog and  newsletter ideas;
  5. Keyword research;
  6. Two posts examples on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Evaluation and conclusion, in which I share the feedback from the company’s owner and some customers belonging to the defined target audience, the successes and challenges encountered while conducting the project and the future steps needed for the business to thrive.

Click HERE to access the complete PDF project document.